The History (and Importance) of Masturbation May
by Kelsey Gyarmati
As with all good Holidays Masturbation May is one that can be celebrated world wide, with just what we have in our homes. There is no need to rush out to the stores to purchase mass amounts of food, or gifts for loved ones, just drop your pants and seek out pleasure. But let’s take a look at why this month is so important.

The REAL History of 4/20
by Kelsey Gyarmati
When you ask the average person why 4/20 is the date of celebration for pot, you typically get answers along the lines of “It’s Bob Marley’s Birthday” Or “It’s Hitler’s death date”.. But did you know that Bob Marley’s birthday is actually February 6th? And Hitler died on April 30th. The origins of 4/20 are significantly more dynamic than that.
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